Results 5 issues of Roman Bober

Getting below warning when using custom generated enum_macros.h file ```bat python" 120 64 > enum_macros.h ``` enum_macros.h(269): warning C4005: 'BETTER_ENUMS_PP_COUNT_IMPL': macro redefinition enum.h(248): note: see previous definition of 'BETTER_ENUMS_PP_COUNT_IMPL'...

On windows 10 had issue with parsing on [line]( for string "before_fw_simulator_major_refactoring-361-gafb3df8" After fixing to below regex, script ran ok Please consider to update matched = re.match("^([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\/_]+)-([0-9]+)-g([0-9a-f]+)$", git_version_string)

Install windows service , define service to Log on as admin account(not localhost) Run DebugViewConsole under this service/user Result Fails with following exception " Unexpected error occurred: CreateDBWinBufferMapping Listening for...

When calling\cloudevents\sdk-go\[email protected]\event\event_writer.go:SetExtension : ``` cevent := cloudevents.NewEvent() var val int64 val = 206192050177 cevent.SetExtension("eventid", val) ``` getting error and value is not set ![image](