[Wyze Home Assistant integration request]( Please Upvote this integration request on the wyze forums if possible. **70+ open issue tickets on this repo**. Tons of other folk with similar issues....
As stated a few times already, I do believe @kevinvincent is no longer actively working on the project. There are 70+ open issue tickets currently. @photinus has had some input...
No Kevin is most certainly not related to wyze, or affiliated in any way. Kevin isn't on this project anymore afaiu.
There are quite literally 64 issue tickets open. Please consider reading any one of them to find a suitable solution for your problem. Reinstall the addon You have given me...
I have this crazy worked for me but maybe it was a one off. I changed the battery in my sensor, it was added with a zero mac address....
``` self.hass.add_job(self.async_update_ha_state(force_refresh)) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'add_job' ``` Interesting, mine won't reinstall after a failure, enabling logs now. I'll compare to mine.
template binary sensor on / off > could template it however of automation, upon trigger of sensor, switch template sensor on, but not off once the motion sensor goes off,...
``` - id: '1593752154463' alias: Wyze Sensor Timed off (on) description: Turn on the Timed Wyze Sensor trigger: - entity_id: binary_sensor.door_front for: '0' from: 'off' platform: state to: 'on' condition:...
> > I think I may have figured it out? Perhaps, this is some valuable information. I had a sensor that was showing up as -110rssi, this meant that...
Where are you pulling the MAC from that you're using to remove the sensor that is not working? I recently opened a ticket, I found my issue was (after updating...