`{3rd: "Beedell", 1st: "Roke"}`{.JSON5}

Results 466 comments of `{3rd: "Beedell", 1st: "Roke"}`{.JSON5}

@tomayac, do you know how to automate enablement of [that feature](http://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/link-to-text-fragment/issues/69#issuecomment-1185614230) via the command-line, or how I might ascertain how to?

> https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/link-to-text-fragment/issues/71#issue-1329007016 Additionally, the extension appears to be unable to operate upon pages served by `chrome://` Uniform Resource Identifiers. Do I need to enable a flag to allow this?

At the very least, similarly to what has been demonstrated at http://github.com/yereverluvinunclebert/Rocketdock-Enhanced-Settings-VB6/issues/1, http://docs.microsoft.com/windows/msix/msix-core/msixcore shall be easy enough to transition to that it should be completed soon.

![20220626T145324 and](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/42837531/175820290-52ba29be-12e8-46c5-8d71-cca815b9567c.png) ![20220626T145422](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/42837531/175820291-7ed83425-1215-4532-8705-6ac954edd157.png) depict the problem.

@DamirPorobic, KSnip should automatically utilize the theme of its host operating-system. This what everything else that I have utilized does, because necessitation of manual application of the theme is unnecessary,...

@DamirPorobic, as additional response to "http://github.com/ksnip/ksnip/issues/874#issuecomment-1129070551", your statement that “Changing it on the fly is not possible as far as I know because it has a lot of impact on...

@DamirPorobic, when "http://reddit.com/comments/vchng4" has been answered, I shall ascertain whether I am able to. Because I'm currently constructing my first Qt app, I shall need to remediate this problem eventually....

@brucehaynes, please delete your comment, because it is irrelevant to this problem. Instead, ideally report your problem at https://github.com/nextcloud/contacts/issues/new?assignees=&labels=bug%2C0.+Needs+triage%2Cfeature%3A+contacts&template=bug_report_contacts.yml, or contact Nextcloud support or your hoster to assist you.

What is the alternative concept?

I believe that this problem necessitates standardisation, and universal adherence to it, to be remediated well. This is probably impossible for Nextcloud to entirely remediate without co-operation from Google, Microsoft,...