I have solved 2nd issue .... please assign me this.
I have to create a function feature_creation() and it should return the features which are to be considered as input ... isn't it?
@adinalini This issue is solve , please check if I need to make any changes or it's okay?
I would like to work on this issue ... please assign me.
should I should import the credit card dataset in main.ipynb file or in the file created in submissions folder.
which dataset we have to import .In the directory no such data is present in csv or tsv or in other form.
@avats101 thanks for help!! can you please suggest me if i need to download that csv file or should use that google drive link to import data and perform required...
@adinalini actually i am new to github can you please suggest what i could do now.
Is the above PR is okay or I have to make any changes?