Roel Verbelen

Results 12 issues of Roel Verbelen

`time_decompose()` accepts additional parameters `...` which are being passed to the underlying functions `decompose_stl()` and `decompose_twitter()`. However these functions currently don't have ellipsis. This PR suggests to allow additional parameters...

**H2O version, Operating System and Environment** H2O, Python 3.11, Windows 10 (environment also has pyarrow 14.0.2 and polars 0.20.6) **Python Code** Directly taken from the [documentation]( of `h2o.H2OFrame.as_data_frame()`: ```...


It would be great if a model saved with the data removed would still be able to produce the summary statistics. Potentially it's worthwhile keeping the minimum amount of data...


Hi Alastair, I ran into this issue where `inspect_num()` is not able to handle cases when the numeric variable has a different range in the comparison data set `df2`. It...

It would be nice if you could use the argument `pretty_names` from `parameters::display.parameters_model()` also for `see:::plot.see_parameters_model()`.

enhancement :fire:

The plot of the smooth terms if empty and not useful. Worthwhile considering removing this altogether or perhaps extending the use of the `compoment` argument to select only fixed effects...

Experimenting with using this package for GAM coefficient plots and ran into this issue: ``` r library(parameters) library(mgcv) #> Loading required package: nlme #> This is mgcv 1.8-39. For overview...

Thanks for making this useful extension package! For readability, I'm trying to position the text on the left-hand side of the bars using `text_position = "outside-base"` but it's leading to...

Oddly, I'm not getting sensible results for GLMs using H2O. Effects for continuous factors are incorrectly looking quadratic. Here's a simple reprex for a Poisson GLM: ``` r library(tidyverse) library(finPlot)...
