Rodion Gorkovenko
Rodion Gorkovenko
There is sublte issue with gateway discovery pings processing. When gateway sends responses for the ping, response includes the "self-ping". It is skipped later, however if response comes in more...
When trying to enter frequency for GateWay Ping in 2.4 GHz band, it fails with message like `pq: integer out of range`. Looks like simplest way is to alter column...
Dear Friend! As a CodeAbbey author I have a great problem due to your list of solutions. This just spoils learning process for others and as your collection is yielded...
The project was created when I know not of Maven. This should be fixed :)
Demo applet (used at the page) should be rewritten to simple web-application so we can host it at google-app-engine and insert as iframe. Basically it could be like this:...