
Results 12 comments of Rockjan

一样的问题,不过我是在主线程crash了. 记得以前看过一篇文章,ios app在后台调用opengles会导致crash,我写代码测试过,的确会crash,而且和上面的crash基本一致。 结合我自己的crash report来看,很有可能是这种情况。 我先这么改了,在观察吧(bilibili不厚道啊,不维护了么?): ```objective-c - (void)display: (SDL_VoutOverlay *) overlay { if (_didSetupGL == NO) return; //原来在这里 //if ([self isApplicationActive] == NO) //return; IJKHanleInMainThread(^{ //现在放到这里,我这边的crash就是别的线程dispatch过来的,此过程有可能app已经进入后台。 if ([self isApplicationActive]...

> Following your advice the consume call now uses a serial queue, could you try it out? (1.5.2) Hi buddy, I think the new method implementation can't work as usual....

[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "mediasoup_ios_client": In Podfile: mediasoup_ios_client (= 1.5.3) Or can you provide me a download link? Thx!

It doesn't work. Maybe your latest version is 1.5.2, you told me a wrong version. And look at the modify record of this file is still wrong.

Thanks, I will try it out later.

> Cocoapods takes time for the update to take effect, it should work now (1.5.3). > > The change was commited to the develop branch Thx, it works and we...

> @Rockjan could you please provide if you have to sync threads when onProduce is called, I have trouble to make it work because it freezes the application. #67 >...

> So `self.wsServer sendRequestWithMethod` is asynchronous creating a background thread; to complete the request to a Web Socket channel and if `onProduce` exit you don't receive an error like the...

> Yeah, it is super weird getting this kind of error but I am sure it has to do more with the Web Socket HTTP frameworks thread creation; As far...

> @Rockjan let me know after testing the latest 1.5.3 cocoapods if you get this issue, please. #68 OK! Maybe we will start the testing next week.