Robert Linde
Robert Linde
Hi @pmpontes I believe you've run into what I discuss in this blog post: Let me know if it helps you out.
Great! I was hoping it'd be easy to fix. It shouldn't affect the `IContentTypeResolver`, but perhaps there's some kind of edge case here. Could you describe the issue in a...
Hmm, this certainly looks like it should work fine. If you debug and inspect just before the call to `GetEntries` is the resolver set correctly on the client object?
Ok, just a theory here. If you add a property `public SystemProperties Sys { get; set; }` to the `BaseContentBlock`?
If you set a breakpoint inside the EntityResolver , is it ever hit? I'm trying to reproduce it, but it seems to be working when I try it... trying to...
Ah, then that would be a possible explanation. It could be that you're hitting an unresolved entry. If you try to increase the `Include` parameter, does it deserialise correctly?
Hmm, the only thing I can think of is if the entity exists in a different part of the json structure and the $type attribute gets set there instead of...
I notice that the path includes the locale in this case. Are you using `locale=*` to fetch content for all locales at the same time? I might have overlooked that...
Ok, I'll look into if there's something I've overlooked in that scenario. I assume all your models have their properties wrapped in `Dictionary` then? If you were to switch to...
Great, seems like we've found a bug. I'll look into it and get back to you.