Robert Hilbrich
Robert Hilbrich
Hi, the reason for the failing build is that FMIL no longer compiles, because its thirdparty dependency minizip no longer compiles with clang 12. I opened an issue at the...
Geometries in GeoJSON format of a SUMO network are sometimes used in web-based applications (e.g. SESAM or Baustellenatlas) based on OpenLayers or Leaflet. It would be great to include the...
Retrieving a map from OSM for the osmWebWizard no longer works for Geofabrik Overpass server. Possible regression in SUMO 1.20.0 - worked fine in SUMO 1.19.0. To reproduce: ``` >>>...
Creating a geojson output of a net with `` sometimes fails to produce a geojson, that validates for example with See example files below. Errors of the GeoJSON validator...
## Overview It seems that the macOS packaging approach so far has not be satisfying for a lot of users. We should investigate other options - probably native macOS options....