Robbin Baauw
Robbin Baauw
@yyx990803 could you maybe take another look at this? Thanks!
> I think this would create a ton of complexity internally. Why not just create a wrapper component that mounts its own DOM tree using the custom renderer? Sounds cleaner...
A working version which also updates the nested components properly for the interested people: ```typescript import {Fragment, h} from 'vue' import {effect, ref} from "@vue/reactivity"; import {defineComponent} from "@vue/runtime-core"; type...
I would like to add that this seems to be Vue 2, his fork is forked from `vuejs/vue`.
@brandon942 Vue3 can be found at the `vuejs/vue-next ` repo, but everything has been completely rewritten. The core is very much not the same.
I tested your `ref` idea, and it is indeed a lot faster. I implemented it in Vue itself (, and made [a small benchmark]( It shows that this method is...
I've tested your bench with FF79. Besides the unavailability of private fields, I got the following results: - Vue (plain object) was fastest - Function call was 35% slower -...
Thanks for the explanation! I would like to add that this benchmark for `reactive` is wrong. It only passes a few tests. Subsequent benchmarks with proxy handlers as classes that...