Robbe Sneyders

Results 158 comments of Robbe Sneyders

I originally proposed `pytest.mark` instead of `pytest.skip` since skipping tests is silent. If we don't install the optional dependencies correctly in the test environment, the tests will just be skipped...

Thanks for the report @Halkcyon. Connexion currently doesn't deserialize query objects with `style: form` correctly, which is the default. If you control the client, you can work around this by...

Thanks for opening the discussion @hjacobs. I would like to pick in on the overall vision for Connexion, specifically related to support of multiple frameworks. I see 3 options on...

@hjacobs @Ruwann it would be great to get your view on this.

Thanks for all the feedback everyone. @Ruwann and I had some offline discussions about this, and we believe we've come up with an approach that's a good balance between the...

> Cool! Which frameworks? Every framework that is ASGI or WSGI compliant. Some notable examples are Bottle, Blacksheep, Django (channels), Falcon, Flask, Quart, Sanic, and Starlette. > Could something like...

I would propose to release 2.13 as a final 2.X version with the current changes, and start working towards 3.0 on `main`. We can create a separate `v2` branch to...

Could you share which aiohttp specific features you're using on top of Connexion @vmarkovtsev?

Thanks for the info. The most logical switch from aiohttp would not be to Flask, but to the new async app or one of the ASGI compatible frameworks, which provide...