Robbe Sneyders

Results 158 comments of Robbe Sneyders

@20Aditya can you please post a minimal working example? Spec, python code and curl request.

Thanks for the report @johannegger. Connexion currently doesn't deserialize query objects with `style: form` (the default) correctly, independent of the `exploded` value. If you control the client, you can work...

Hi @edupo Thanks for the report. Would be great if you could test it with the latest connexion version and provide a minimal working example of your setup.

This is due to how Connexion works at its core. Connexion adds its magic by wrapping the view functions with decorators, so the request flow is ->app->connexion->view_function->connexion->app (see the [Connexion...

Hi @sesa535875 Mutual authentication is currently indeed not supported.

HI @aigielsk, handling multiple mimetypes on the same endpoint is indeed a current limitation of connexion (see #653). You can work around this by returning a response object with the...

@ddurham2 this has been fixed for `aiohttp`, but not `flask`. I tested the provided example to be sure.

Sounds good @ddurham2. We should be able to reuse #1000, which includes a test, but still need to resolve the same issue that caused it to be reverted in #1101....

Thanks @leonardofesta! Could you update the failing tests to make them pass?