Rob Tillaart

Results 23 issues of Rob Tillaart

Nice useful library. Had a quick look at the code and noticed that you can have the same deviceID for different device types. By adding type information - could be...

The Wire library has a function **void setClock(uint32_t frequency)** to set the I2C clock frequency. It would be useful for (library) developers to be able to read the current clock...

feature request
Library: Wire

## System ``` ================================================================================ Beginning the next phase of testing... Compilation of example sketches /opt/hostedtoolcache/Ruby/2.6.10/x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/arduino_ci-1.3.0/lib/arduino_ci/cpp_library.rb:135:in `example_sketches': undefined method `map' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) from /opt/hostedtoolcache/Ruby/2.6.10/x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/arduino_ci-1.3.0/exe/arduino_ci.rb:450:in `perform_example_compilation_tests' from /opt/hostedtoolcache/Ruby/2.6.10/x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/arduino_ci-1.3.0/exe/arduino_ci.rb:536:in `' from...

Hi, am struggling with a library - The library needs the "OneWire: so I adapted .arduino-ci.yml ``` compile:   # Choosing to run compilation tests on 2 different Arduino platforms  ...

arduino mocks
some archs
not yet

Building the statHelpers library - I found that printing uint64_t is natively supported (UNO's Serial print does not ) by using **%ld** Maybe the reference can mention 2 lines...

## Issue Summary problem occurred in a unit test where I used the **_BV()** macro which is normally supported in Arduino sketches. Replacing the test code with a normal shift...

arduino mocks

## Issue Summary In a unit test I have a loop that uses micros() to do a loop for a certain time. As micros() always returns zero the loop will...

ci scripts

In a unit test I use an analogRead(), however it will not accept A0 etc as typical pin names. imho users expect these to work

arduino mocks

### Description The Arduino core has a digitalWrite() and a digitalRead() function. In many sketches there is a need to toggle a pin, either for a blinking LED or a...

Hi, First, thank you for your excellent library! As I was in the need for speed, I investigated if I could write a faster I2C liquid display library. After a...