Rob Sanders
Rob Sanders
Yes, we do this all the time. The 'command' argument of the callback shows what libcli has parsed based on what you've registered. If you have any libcli filters in...
I personally do not use Visual Studio, and also have not tried to build on Windows as my target platform is Linux. David may be able to offer more insight...
Ah, understand now. I did a quick check in some older versions (1.9.5, 1.9.6, 1.9.7)and it looks like the include for unistd.h has not been inside a WIN32 guard check...
Obligatory initial statement - I am not a lawyer, nor is this legal advice. You need to be comfortable with the requirements of any licensing obligations or consult legal counsel...
Not familiar with how/when any linux distro decided to update a version of an external package. The build teams may wait for user requests, or reports of major bugs being...
It can, mostly, but you need to ensure you are using CRLF as the terminators and disable line buffering. From linux this works to talk to the clitest program. stty_orig=`ssty...
The above keeps a copy of the existing terminal characteristics, disables local echo and special character processing (and ensures chars are sent one at a time instead of line at...
Do you have a short example? In our code we do not access libcli globals in our callbacks, except for those things that are held in the cli_struct* that is...
Think about what you are doing. In your main function you create one thread to monitor connections (CLI_Thread), and a second thread to periodically show the value of gflag. Both...
Several different methods - shared memory is one of them for example. Much depends on your application and what it is trying to do.