Rob Quist
Rob Quist
I'll check this out soon(ish)
It is fixed in this fork:
how about you make the boxes slightly bigger? so they overlap?
I understand, but still someone has control over a remote machine, be it a VM or not.. Still not something you'd like - it might be able to break out...
I'll check it out ASAP - looks like a neat project. And yeah, you 're all over tech websites and some trending stuff.. I think you're about to go viral...
I have some ideas: - run the wine app without running explorer - Enable some kind of kiosk mode (if its in there) - Put the browser in full screen...
nope, filter option doesn't work
Yes, there are files that come up with "Permission Denied" on the S3 API. Related:
`#include "CString.h"` should become `#include "Misc/CString.h"` `#include "ModuleManager.h"` should become `#include "Modules/ModuleManager.h"`
I actually got rid of this and made my CLI in PHP with a custom NSIS installer.. So not really a solution for you I think, sorry :P