Romano Giannetti

Results 40 comments of Romano Giannetti

Just discovered this (great!) app. This suggestion would be great for using a normal tablet with fingers --- now it acts as if I have the mouse button 1 down...

The problem (see ) seems to be that --- I do not know why --- the `set conceallevel=2` get triggered for LaTeX buffers. Adding ``` autocmd FileType tex set...

I am not sure, but I think that the problem is (could be) that `vimtex` loads the syntax file for sub-syntax formatting (as in `listing` environments containing python code). See...

If you use `vim`, adding this to your `.vimrc`: ```vim " edit xournal files (see augroup gzip_local2 autocmd! autocmd BufReadPre,FileReadPre *.xopp setlocal bin autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost *.xopp call gzip#read("gzip -dn...

I use (on Linux/Gnome) this one: --- works a treat.

Just a suggestion until this feature is in: I use extensively PDFarranger: *before* annotating with `xournalpp`. It is a life-saver ;-). What would be great is also having a...

I am not sure if my comment makes sense, but --- I think that the idea is that a trigonometric function receiving an Inf, -Inf or NaN should return NaN....

Sorry for the late answer, I am on vacation right now with a blissfully rare connection to the Internet ;-). I'll look at it, but this seems a bit a...

I think that a subcircuit is for now a nice solution: ```latex \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage[siunitx, RPvoltages]{circuitikz} \begin{document} \ctikzsubcircuitdef{nullor}{in up, in down, out up, out down}{% coordinate(#1-center) node[rectangle, draw, dashed, inner sep=1.2cm]{}...

...although a nicer solution would be to be able to change the components used in a transformer; that would be more general and useful for a generic double bipole. So...