Apologies, I've removed the wrong `.gitattributes` and added negative samples. Results: ``` [2023-06-02 17:28:16,155] [record.py:341] Final report: {'accuracy': 0.5348837209302325}. Logged to /tmp/evallogs/230602152759GXHGI4CK_gpt-4_rare-and-loanwords-dutch-lexicon.jsonl ```
> Thanks for implementing the requested changes. I'm getting the following error while evaluating this PR. > > ``` > b'File "/content/evals/evals/eval.py", line 149, in get_samples' > b'return get_jsonl(self.samples_jsonl)' >...
Hope it works now, works on my end: ``` $ oaieval gpt-4 rare-and-loanwords-dutch-lexicon [2023-06-02 21:12:12,277] [registry.py:250] Loading registry from /Users/dm/Documents/openai/evals/evals/registry/evals [2023-06-02 21:12:12,449] [registry.py:250] Loading registry from /Users/dm/.evals/evals [2023-06-02 21:12:12,451] [oaieval.py:110]...
> Thanks for updating the PR. > > If I've understood this evaluation correctly, the dataset has some loanwords that are part of the Dutch language but came from other...
> None of these examples are actual Dutch Words although they very look like Dutch Words. That's why I've included them to test if the model is properly recognizing them....
> You should see GPT-4 API access enabled in your account in the next few days. Thank you! I'm on the waitlist for GPT4-32K access, will that be part of...
> You should see GPT-4 API access enabled in your account in the next few days. Hi, I still have not received access. Could you have a look? Thanks!
@usama-openai Could you check internally why I didn't get my GPT4 (32K) access yet? Thanks!