Rishab Gargeya

Results 5 issues of Rishab Gargeya

Hi, Does this implementation scale the objective loss function? If you don't scale each of the three loss parts, aren't they implicitly weighted then based on their raw values (since...

Hi, Great work here! I have a quick question-- Based on my understanding of your code and the MSRA paper, shouldn't your type B projection shortcuts in the full and...

Hi, I tried installing your converter, but I keep on running into the following error: ``` Linking: mxnet_to_caffe g++ objs/mxnet_to_caffe.o objs/mxnet_my_c_predict_api.o -lm -lboost_serialization -lboost_filesystem -fopenmp -Wl,--whole-archive /home/rg203/work/caffe/build/lib/libcaffe.a -Wl,--no-whole-archive -lprotobuf -lglog...

Hi! I was testing out the demo you have created and am receiving the following error when trying to build for the iPhone 5 or iPhone 4s -- ``` Undefined...

Hi! I am trying to run this repo, but I cannot access the anyrl-py and baselines submodules after git cloning and running ```git submodule init```. Are they accessible in this...