I don't know if the database update will install correctly. Need help from an experienced person.
Player::BuyItemFromVendorSlot **Changes proposed:** Fix cheating attempt **Tests performed:** In game **Known issues and TODO list:** (add/remove lines as needed) The problem was that due to this incorrect check, it was...
**Changes proposed:** WorldPackets::Item::AutoStoreBagItem::Read() **Tests performed:** Tested in game
### Description In log will write "but quest not have QUEST_FLAGS_COMPLETION_EVENT **or** QUEST_FLAGS_COMPLETION_AREA_TRIGGER" but in condition I see "if (!quest->HasFlag(QUEST_FLAGS_COMPLETION_EVENT) **&&** !quest->HasFlag(QUEST_FLAGS_COMPLETION_AREA_TRIGGER))" ### Expected behaviour - ### Steps to...
**Description:** A cooldown on a spell must be set only if it is present (spellInfo->RecoveryTime;) . A cooldown on the category should also be installed only if it is available(spellInfo->CategoryRecoveryTime)....