Rikki Gibson

Results 38 issues of Rikki Gibson

``` Error message System.Exception : The following expected item(s) not found in sequence: Rename 'P2' to 'Foober' Generate type 'Foober' Generate class 'Foober' in new file Generate class 'Foober' Generate...

Disabled Test

**Version Used**: f7634f7503665406e717d27bbac581b13a0c21b6 **Steps to Reproduce**: [SharpLab](https://sharplab.io/#v2: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) Based on the report in https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/44174#issuecomment-1002240375. See the following 3 scenarios. **The first scenario** lacks a warning when one is expected, while the...

New Language Feature - Nullable Reference Types

We want to leverage [BannedApiAnalyzer](https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn-analyzers/blob/main/src/Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.BannedApiAnalyzers/BannedApiAnalyzers.Help.md) to try and prevent analyzer/generator authors from using APIs known to be problematic. We'd like to include BannedSymbols.txt in Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.nupkg and have projects which reference...

Feature Request

This is the next turn of the crank on #5529. Permit a `file` modifier on top-level type declarations. The type only exists in the file where it is declared. ```cs...

Proposal Question

* [x] Proposed * [ ] Prototype: [Not Started](https://github.com/PROTOTYPE_OWNER/roslyn/BRANCH_NAME) * [ ] Implementation: [Not Started](https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/BRANCH_NAME) * [x] Specification: Included ## Summary [summary]: #summary Permits assignment to occur conditionally within a...

Proposal champion

This proposal is raised as a possible mitigation for usability issues found in dotnet/csharplang#5552 and dotnet/csharplang#5635, as well as addressing #5563 (all fields must be definitely assigned, but `field` is...

Proposal champion
Implemented Needs ECMA Spec

We found that dotnet/roslyn#62364 didn't kick-off a CI run on the last commit that was pushed to the PR. Instead it just kept the check results for the second-to-last commit....

First Responder
Azure Dev Ops

https://github.com/CoreWCF currently links to https://corewcf.net/, but when I go to the latter location, I get the error "It looks like corewcf.net closed the connection" in my browser.

See the article on async iterators: https://jakearchibald.com/2017/async-iterators-and-generators/ This is probably only for nodejs, at least to start with, because browsers don't support streaming request bodies (not even fetch at this...


Currently the internal mlinfraswat DL is a firehose of different notifications. Many people on the DL just handle it by filtering the messages to folders that they never check. We're...
