Alexander Keliris
Alexander Keliris
If anyone knows how we can use the various package managers, please let me know!
I sincerely apologise for my lack of maintenance, I do love this project but I have not been able to dedicate any time to it - life/other commitments have been...
Thank you for making this! It would be great if we could download ready-made binaries for `hledger-interest`, as we can with [hledger]( and [hledger-flow]( I don't have the Haskell toolchain...
Thank you for this tool! Are you interested in publishing prebuilt binaries to github releases? If so, I could potentially help setup the github actions to build binaries when you...
I'd like to be able to create multiline files from within the `trycmd` blocks to serve as test fixtures. Is it possible? I'm thinking something like this (pseudo code): ```console...
I see that sqlx was updated here Would you be able to publish a new version to with this upgrade please?