Nicolás Riedel
Nicolás Riedel
Is this feature implemented?
Thanks a lot @otskarli !
> I think I've found a workaround @itsramiel, `requestPermission()` from the `useForegroundPermissions` hook returns a promise, so await or chain a then on that and the response is correct with...
@ChromeQ Have you tried this : It is not the best solution, but it's working for me.
You have to change what @nullromo said. Here's the sed command you can use if you're working in an automated environment : ```sh sed -i 's///' /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml ```
I think the project is dead. Best option is to fork.
Hello @Rudolph1999, is there anyway to patch it?
Hey @mxmkhv excelente solution! I found a minor issue, the useCallBack renderItem is missing the value dependency. This makes than when the selected value changes, the style does not change...