Riderman de Sousa Barbosa

Results 18 issues of Riderman de Sousa Barbosa

Run `ralph` And result: ``` bash Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/ralph", line 182, in for value in data['arguments'][argument]['values']: KeyError: 'values' ``` I have 2 files in blueprints folder...

When run with `--coverage` i get this error.. > TypeError: Function.prototype.name sham getter called on non-function ● component › should render with message if error occour TypeError: Function.prototype.name sham getter...


When I try to use the plugin with the knockoutjs, it does not work. Look at the example: http://jsfiddle.net/Ridermansb/agj36/1/ When you make any change in the name field, everything works...

I don't understand, why [routes.js][1] as exported as an function? [1]: https://github.com/ModusCreateOrg/react-dynamic-route-loading-es6/blob/master/client/pages/routes.js#L43

With configuration ``` module.exports = { branches: [{ name: 'master', prerelease: true }], plugins: [ '@semantic-release/commit-analyzer', '@semantic-release/release-notes-generator', [ '@semantic-release/github', { assets: [ { path: 'dist.zip', label: 'PWA App', }, ],...


On [my website](http://datafilme.com.br/) contact form (_menu "Contact"_) is loaded via ajax. Searching the internet I found [this thread on google groups](https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/ie-css3/eWSsKW7yI9E), but do not know if this feature has been...

- [ ] Create one gist with named `resume.json` - [ ] Create an action that make a request and download the Json - [ ] Integrate with `https://registry.jsonresume.org/ridermansb` Check...


within the repository by executing:: `git_stats generate` ``` fatal: |: no such path in the working tree. Use 'git -- ...' to specify paths that do not exist locally. C:in...