I have the same problem, has anyone managed to make it work on iOS 13?
> iOS & iPad OS 13.1.2 were released a few hours ago. > > Will test and report back... > > **Edit:** I no longer receive paths starting with /private/...
> This is probably not a lasting solution, but I managed to restore functionality for uploading videos from the photo library in my app, so I guess that's good :)...
Has anyone been able to find a solution to this? I've tried this today, but the error is still there, some suggestion of some other plugin or how to save...
> I gave up. I am using now Camera plugin to pick the Pictures. Totally agree, here is a guide that has worked great for me. [https://devdactic.com/ionic-4-image-upload-storage/](url)
Same error over here, any solution?
It's not mentioned in the FCM documentation but has you try sound=null? [https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/http-server-ref#send-downstream](url)
Excuse me, I had thought that your problem was simply due to the sound of the notifications. But in effect your problem is the same as mine, the plugin does...
I think all the apns parameters are not included in the plugin, that's why the sound parameter is not working properly
The function subscribeToTopic returns a promise void so there is no way to know, you just have to launch subscribeToTopic to subscribe and unsubscribeFromTopic to unsubscribe.