Perfect. If you have questions on getting this running please ask @ilia-tsyplenkov.
1. @paxcema, We can start by you communicating here how to access it, :P Is there a syntax to get this? If you give me an example, perhaps we can...
@torrmal How should we get these hardware specs?
based on this -> https://github.com/mindsdb/mindsdb/blob/staging/mindsdb/api/mongo/README.md Create a section for mongo.
@ZoranPandovski Please evaluate
GraphQL. Orders table.
Maybe we need to discuss the scope of this. My two cents here are: That governance - For now - Should be handled by the Database itself. Thoughts ? @ZoranPandovski...
For replicating the quickstart guide we should have one full example working. a classic homerents.
@alejandrovillegas please confirm is done and proceed with closing this issue :)
@ilia-tsyplenkov Can we close this ? Super old :)