Rico P

Results 16 comments of Rico P

The problem is that libdirs won't help with my exe not finding the dll, which isn't in the same folder

Guess that's what I am going to do. I was hoping there is a way to tell VS directly to load dll's from a different location.

I yet have to do some digging and struct packing in my engine before can say if this is going to make a real difference.

but it seems like you can't align a typedef :/

I haven't done any code changes but I can look into it if you are busy

One thing you could try is you can create a native windows application (something that starts with a WinMain and get's a handle passed in right away) but don't create...

``` #include #include INT WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, INT) { if (AllocConsole()) { freopen("CONOUT$", "wt", stdout); freopen("CONIN$", "rt", stdin); SetConsoleTitle(L"Debug Console"); std::ios::sync_with_stdio(1); } std::cout

Ok forget it. I assumed you need a HINSTANCe to get access to the window, but you need a HWND handle. I couldnt find a way to get a handle....

let me google that for you: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32830625

I guess you can just get the native window handle with GetActiveWindow https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms646292(v=vs.85).aspx