
Results 11 issues of Rico29

Strange behavior sometimes with plugin apps::protocols::imap::plugin --mode login when working correctly, centreon-plugin send a login, gets a OK, sends an EXPUNGE, gets an BAD invalid command, then send a LOGOUT....


Hello, Following https://lists.gt.net/ntop/users/48067 It would be nice if nprobe could handle different sampling rates for IPFIX flows coming on the same ZMQ socket. Regards

Hello, Running asstats.pl like this : /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/AS-Stats/bin/asstatd.pl -a $ASN -r /usr/local/AS-Stats/rrd -k /usr/local/AS-Stats/conf/knownlinks -p 6344 always triggers warnings : Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at /usr/local/AS-Stats/bin/asstatd.pl line...

Hello, in asstatsd.pl, line `my (undef, $ethertype, $ipdata) = unpack('a12H4a*', $sFlowSample->{'HeaderBin'});` throws warnings, because my sflow samples does not have a "HeaderBin" part. I'm using pmacct as sflow sender. example...

add user to gorup docker ref : https://community.plone.org/t/problem-in-plone-6-installation/18589/2?u=rico

Hello, trying to install on fresh debian 11, but i'm facing multiple issues. first thing is that influxDB is not seen in python libs : ` # python -c "from...

Hello. I have 3 phpipam agents which work correctly. they discover and update hosts in phpipam. I have for example : Address is offline Last seen: 2020-05-13 08:30:01 My probem...

Hello, is there a way to dismiss the output of the cron job ? I mean an other way than "2>&1 /dev/nul", so I can see if the script returns...

Hello, I need to pass a custom parameter to ssh for connecting to old equipments, like `-o 'PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa'` I'm quite new to oxidized and could not find the way...