Ricky Gunawan
Ricky Gunawan
can anyone tell me how to use multiprocess in camelot ? or did this issues still on progress ?
@mcmingchang can you elaborate more? I can convert the model to onnx but I can't use it with onnxruntime. when building the onnx model I get the following message: `C:\Users\1000\.conda\envs\parseg\lib\site-packages\torch\__init__.py:833:...
> This is the offending code fragment. You can comment this out (disabling the iterative refinement branch of the code) before exporting the ONNX model. I tried it and onnx.checker.check_model(parseq,...
In my case, I downgrade the Python to 3.7 and Install Tensorflow==1.13.1. I still don't get the image, so I try to see the code and I found this error...
> I make the following modifications, it works fine~ > > ``` > 185 ¦ ############################################################## > 186 ¦ # Comparing average pixel value of text and background image #...
did you have the solution for this issue ? i encounter the same error when i want to threading PPOCR.
thank you for up this issue, i have a question in using PPOCRLabel about the rowspan and colspan when gt.txt file is generated. did PPOCRLabel automatic know the rowspan and...