Rick Carlino

Results 19 issues of Rick Carlino

Just tried to open the [demo file](https://github.com/basarat/yester/blob/master/demo/index.html), but it looks like my browser could not load `/app.js` off of the server.

Awesome project! I see it implements memory mapped output for the "hello, world" example. Is there memory mapped input for the keyboard?


FORTH 200X introduced [structs](https://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/forth/gforth/Docs-html/Forth200x-Structures.html). I can't find any documentation on online or in documentation for the best way to perform struct packing, though. Is it possible in FORTH (GForth, specifically)?...

I just compiled a small-ish Forth VM to [Web Assembly](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/WebAssembly). It works (meaning, it can evalutate strings and perform character I/O), but it is hogging all of the resources on...

Hi again, I have been exploring the possibility of WAForth as a lighter-weight alternative to Lua as a plugin environment or a language that can be embedded into a larger...


I've been running React Lite in production for a week and just found the following error report: ``` Uncaught TypeError: r.replaceData is not a function ``` (Chrome 56, Windows, running...

When we started this project almost 6 years ago, full text search for Mongo was not that great. * In 2019, Mongo's full text search seems "good enough" for our...

Forum user `dmbgo` states that executing a sequence while one is already running causes unexpected behavior. [Link to original forum post](https://forum.farmbot.org/t/farmbot-factory-reset-after-update-to-9-0-0/5758/41?u=rickcarlino).

Suggestion from @whitecapsO in the forum: Add an "After Unlock" callback to call a sequence after a device is unlocked: https://forum.farmbot.org/t/startup-and-shutdown-sequences/5532/3?u=rickcarlino

[This line](https://github.com/nerves-networking/vintage_net/blob/2fc6f251069aa0ae283524aed6714991c0137773/lib/vintage_net/interface/internet_tester.ex#L26) pings an IP address (can't be a hostname) to check if the device is online. The current value is `` (CloudFlare DNS host). If this is not available...