数据中只有SPS是一个罕见的情况,能否更细致地描述一下你的配置?以及这个repo中包含的服务端代码并不好,你可以参考我写的[这个](用于提供树莓派摄像头里的h.264流的服务端代码。 本repo的核心在于对[Broadway.js](这个面向浏览器的h.264解码器的websocket包装,它是在前端运用WebGL进行绘图的。有关在前端如何用ffmpeg进行h.264解码等其他技术路线的问题你不该在这里发问。
See [here]( I have written a script to enable multiple clients. [Repo]( set up.
Failure 70 is due to a second call to the raspivid command while a raspivid process is already running. In the original logic a string "REQUESTSTREAM" is sent from the...
After studying @pimterry 's [raspivid-stream]( I wrote a script that can serve h264 streams through websocket to any client that logs on at any time. Now you only need h264-live-player...
>Having a hard time incorporating these changes without errors. Um not quite sure what do you mean here? Having problems using my script? To be short: Install proper dependencies and...
2024, just built a wiki, and still in need of this :eyes: I guess major problems include: - Generation of the index may be exploited as a DDoS attack mechanism....
I encountered the same problem, so I will attach the log related: ``` 2023-12-21 14:40:18.375 [error] TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'served') at linkDebuggersWithServed (/home/richardn/.vscode-oss/extensions/webfreak.code-d-0.23.2-universal/out/debug.js:30:26) at startClient (/home/richardn/.vscode-oss/extensions/webfreak.code-d-0.23.2-universal/out/extension.js:289:41)...
Yeah by reading the source, one of `webfreak.debug` `ms-vscode.cpptools` or `vadimcn.vscode-lldb` must be enabled for the plugin to work. After enabling the LLDB plugin this error goes away, still, I...
Thanks for the quick response. Though actually off-topic, I just compiled `serve-d` from the latest release on GitHub myself and indeed it segfaults due to OpenSSL problems: ``` object.Exception@/home/richardn/.dub/packages/requests/2.1.1/requests/source/requests/ssl_adapter.d(204): loading...
Also encountered higher-ranked lifetime error, in `#[OpenApi]` macro. Sorry that I cannot provide the exact code, but to summarize: - One API endpoint calls an async library function with parameter...