See example in the screenshot. Related: * * * *
Sometimes users make sets of requests over a number of batches, it would be useful to collect these, so for example, they can be cited together if they are used...
WhatDoTheyKnow gets support mail from users who have received confirmation emails saying for example: >Hi, I cannot click on the link? Presumably users' email software/service isn't making a link clickable;...
Having just done some classifying on WhatDoTheyKnow I get the impression some could be automated via the detection of key phases. Perhaps if we didn't trust such automation entirely initially...
Users with an email address domain matching that of the public authority domain (or users to which we've manually assigned the privilege level) ought get an improved user experience and...
Alaveteli currently shows users' first names in the navigation menu when they are logged in. If a user has a user name such as "J Bloggs" the navigation menu contains...
The documentation at is out of date. Ticket noted in light of correspondence asking how TWFY currently obtains information and the related which indicates the documentation is out...
The idea as been raised of listing some "bodies" which are not subject to FOI, but not enabling requests to them, just using the entry to point to bodies which...
It appears that confused users are setting up alerts to follow old request threads on which further correspondence or annotations would not be expected. It might be useful to...
Often censor-rule challenges relate to material under "show quoted sections". If the display of such material could be turned off for a message, or thread, this could greatly speed up...