The "Report this request" option is now hidden under "Actions". We might want to make it clearer that we want reports of issues such as misuse of the service to...
Currently a request drafted is held until a users' email address is confirmed. On a couple of occasions recently inappropriate draft requests (eg. requests for personal information, or general correspondence)...
Currently a user's public profile page only shows all their requests individually, under the heading of > This person's Freedom of Information requests There is no indication if some of...
There is currently no mention of embargoes and private links to embargoed requests at in-line documentation should also be reviewed and improved in this area.
Perhaps this could be run as a collaboration between teams already running Alaveteli installs? We could cover bodies such as the United Nations, [and its agencies ]( as the World...
As I understand it currently if a follow-up/reply is sent to an email address other than the main FOI email address for a body it isn't possible for an administrator...
There are relationships between bodies which, if reflected in the public bodies database, and shown on the site, could perhaps enable easier administration and browsing of the site. Examples of...
* As well as a per day cap should there be a per week/month cap too? * Should we be able to set the rate cap on a per-user basis,...
This is a ticket for a general shift in strategy enabling sites to be administered by small teams of people even as they grow. eg. Consider sections, perhaps on /admin/...