Richard Bradley

Results 110 comments of Richard Bradley

@salimane -- `db:migrate VERSION=-1` isn't sufficient, as there is no guarantee that each Capistrano deploy added only one new migration to the live database. The feature request here seems to...

One way to implement this might be to add a new ruckus command which rolls back any migrations which are found in the `schema_migrations` table, but which do not have...

Consider changing the error info when the Promise returned by `$translate` fails. See discussion on #1516. Using the translation key as the error info is a) unconventional, as this param...

This is a very frustrating issue. sashoalm on StackOverflow suggested that the full error message might be found in CloudTrail, but that didn't work for me: A fix or...

I have the same problem. I have about 800 source files in my project and it takes about 30 sec to recompile when I change a single file. I have...

I have the same issue: the "`excludeDevDependencies`" feature in Serverless is not working, because `npm ls` cannot properly read the `node_modules` from the symlinked dir in the `.build` dir. This...

I think the title of this issue should be changed to be more like "`excludeDevDependencies` broken by .build/node_modules symlink vs. npm". This issue is hard to find at the moment.

This is a problem for me as well. I have a config value which is an int list. In my file, I write: ``` myList = [1,2,3] ``` and then...

I don't understand the difference. Typesafe config will parse JSON values when they are provided in files, but it will refuse to parse them when you provide them as Property...

I see, that makes sense. So how can I inject strings to Typesafe Config as runtime overrides and have it parse them as JSON values?