patch in issue #306 may help you.
I also meet this problem, and I add another size check to temporary fix it. As in my opinion, 1. if download_path is None, it download fail; 2. if downloaded...
> It is very helpful, but it will still output the error log, and it will still report an error at the next startup. I don't know why Yes, So...
juet very simple replace `g` prefix to `-`. Like [g123456789](https://web.telegram.org/?legacy=1#/im?p=g123456789) to `-123456789`
我曾经写过一篇类似的,不知道时候还可以使用。 [meanTorrent 简介及搭建](https://blog.rhilip.info/archives/971/)
"many torrent trackers in china are banned" is true. howerer, if one site have multiple domain, it can add it's reverse proxy domain in 'announce-list' field. Use a Chinese PT...
> workaround: > > ```js > config.module > .rule('i18n-resource') > .include.clear() > .add(resolve(__dirname, 'src/locales')); > ``` > > i18n plugin should search nearest `node_modules` or use a different default value...
Did you start the ridpt application and listen at port `9501` ? RidPT is based on swoole and is not a php-fpm application. And I advise you to use UNIT3D...
Thanks for your advise and your great work at the docker container [LEMP stack](https://github.com/adhocore/docker-lemp). This project depends on Swoole (PHP extension) and the database require Mysql `^8.0.17`, so it can't...
做不到,因为一方面transmission本身并没有提供label功能, 另一方面,Web Control不能对服务器上的文件进行修改, 只能靠浏览器提供的本地LocalStorage来存储设定, 请考虑使用TWC提供的用户标签导入导出功能实现跨机迁移。