
Results 69 comments of Rexios

This should be fixed in 12.0+4 This build is currently on TestFlight if you want to get it early:

I'm going to sit on the watchOS 9 issue until it's closer to release. Hopefully apple fixes it by then.

The watchOS 9 issue is resolved with the RTD Fallback feature in the watch app version currently on TestFlight

It's mostly for convenience, but it also lets you register a singleton like this: ```dart class Class { final instance = GetIt.I.registerSingleton(Object()); } ``` Which isn't possible otherwise

For myself I use it for more convenient initialization of the singleton: ```dart final instance = GetIt.I.registerSingleton(Object()); instance.setup(); instance.doOtherStuff(); ``` Not a huge deal to split the first line into...

Couldn't we make those do the same thing?

Just a random thought: you can't await chained async calls

Bump. I was planning on making my own chat interface anyways but having one that works in the meantime would be nice. @Johan-glitch1412 the fix you mentioned doesn't work for...

@Ben-Kaniobi Do you know if this project is actively maintained? I was thinking about making some mods to it myself instead of creating issues if not.