Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I has the file on my `node_modules/fullpage.js/vendors/` folder, but still got the warning. And I got the new waring like this...
Okay, here is a demo link in [Codesandbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/react-fullpage-test-jnwgyh?file=/src/App.js), but it so weird, I use the version 0.1.22 same as my project, but here is no warning. P.S: I remove the...
Sorry, I fixed it, I forgot to save it. [Codesandbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/react-fullpage-test-jnwgyh?file=/src/App.js)
Does anyone fixed this yet ? I got same error...
hi, this issue fixed? I got the same error
> how to fix it when using vite (or rollup)? Hi, u can set it on vite.config.js. https://vitejs.dev/config/#configuring-vite
> > > how to fix it when using vite (or rollup)? > > > > > > Hi, u can set it on vite.config.js. > > https://vitejs.dev/config/#configuring-vite > >...
You can see my resolve way -> https://github.com/protobi/js-xlsx/issues/159#issue-955212760