I checked and it's good. I did CSS for @Shadowss request in 2 posts above.
@velhbxtyrj I don't like colorful things. I'm always sticking to 1-3 colors which are just small variants of the first one. for the tooltip maybe making it transparent and smaller?...
@iopietro is not working on this anymore :/
A quick fix would be 1# ```php if(empty($gettemplate)) { $gettemplate = array(); $gettemplate['template'] = ""; } ``` 2# `$groups = explode(",", (string) $gid);` 3# `if(strtolower((string) $lang->settings['charset']) == "utf-8")`
it should use `trim_blank_chrs()` to match all varieties of blank characters. eg: "invisible blank name" characters.
@Sama34 Try searching with quotes `' " `and special characters to see if it will break syntax, can't really test it myself nowadays
> It's for user entered data when search, a simple trim for spaced added by copy/paste : i really don't think need more. Well, it's actually needed, trim doesn't trim...
> You think mybb user use u+XXXX when do a search ? And if by mistake : they enter an invisible character : they don't find what the want …...
That is how it should be. An end user should never know whether there is or isn't an issue with the internal infrastructure. Beware that `$this->connection` is a resource that...
I think when there is an outage with socket connections, there are logs into the mail errors ACP section. > users shouldn't be expecting Correct thinking, but very wrong execution...