Reverier Xu

Results 6 issues of Reverier Xu

Tea Note已经不支持Linux平台了,希望删去( 笔迹软件可以使用leanote(蚂蚁笔记)与为知笔记,其中蚂蚁笔记在archlinux上的封装有问题,似乎是pango的上游开发问题. Manjaro没有试过. 邮件客户端推荐一个MailSpring,在仓库里应该就有,界面挺简洁好看的, 原生支持Outlook和Gmail邮箱. 国内邮箱也可以设置. 系统管理方面推荐一个面向移动设备的店员管理软件slimbookbattery,省电效果还是不错的. 另外申请一下可否将此文转载到我的博客上(有署名)?

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** no. **Describe the solution you'd like** seeking music from system media widget. **Describe alternatives you've considered** =.= **Additional context** =.=


有些时候为了演示,需要更改默认的字体大小,这个时候主题指定的标题字体大小不会跟着一起调整,就会导致h3、h4等低级标题变得比正文字体还要小: ![image]( 手动取消这个变量后看起来倒还正常: ![image](

When sending an HTTP request, this option allows the user to specify how the request data should be serialized as a string. For example, it will be useful when users...

### Describe the bug When using Unicode characters such as Chinese or Japanese as the id of the title, the anchor tag cannot trigger a page jump, ascii characters work...

## System env - Operating System: Arch Linux - Desktop: Plasma 6 - Compositor: Wayland ## Bug description The left sidebar has overlapped with titlebar buttons: ![](