Reuben Dunn
Reuben Dunn
Yep. Would be great to have a fix for this or just an alternate link.
I'm having this same issue. The exact data returned is ``` { [ConnectionError: Connection is closed.] name: 'ConnectionError', message: 'Connection is closed.', code: 'ECONNCLOSED' } ``` I'm using Tedious through...
Yeah, after updating, I'm still experiencing this issue. My setup is almost exactly the same, with an Azure SQL DB connected to an Azure Web App. > I seem to...
This is still occurring for me. I'm going to see if I can avoid the error by using a connection pool that swaps the connection every 30 seconds.
Unfortunately, that didn't help. Even with frequent swapping of the connections, I still got the error. This leads me to believe that it has nothing to do with a timeout.
I don't think that's what's going on for me because the connection initially works and I can make requests through it for a while. This error only appears after some...
Yes, if I restart the app, it works fine. I have the idle timeout set to only 30 seconds.
I haven't written any code to deal with transient errors. That could definitely be the issue. However, I think it would be weird if my test DB has that many...
Interesting. I'll write up some code later tonight to see if it's indeed a transient error issue.
This is just my personal opinion, but since no one else has responded, I'll throw in my two cents. I much prefer the extra spacing of the top button in...