Reuben Bond

Results 186 comments of Reuben Bond

I hit this today while trying to add generated reference docs to Orleans. The exception is in [SpecTypeGenericParameter]( The `Debug.Assert` above that line *does* trigger while debugging `docfx metadata`. Maybe...

The string is verbatim from the debugger. I can see that it originates in `GetSpecId` from `symbol.Accept(SpecIdCoreVisitor.Instance)`, which returns: ``` Orleans.Grain.RegisterTimer(Func{`0,`1},System.Object,TimeSpan,TimeSpan) ```

Stepping through with a debugger, I see the wrong-looking value originates from this `symbol.GetDocumentationCommentId()` call: Which returns ``` M:Orleans.Grain.RegisterTimer(Func{`0,`1},System.Object,TimeSpan,TimeSpan) ```

I attempted to create a minimal repro for this but was unable. I can point you to a branch which demonstrates the docfx crash if that can help you

I'd very much like to see a discussion from the Orleans team. Everything @richorama mentioned, particularly the roadmap.

Works for me -----Original Message----- From: "Sergey Bykov" [email protected] Sent: ‎08/‎01/‎2015 10:12 To: "OrleansContrib/meetups" [email protected] Cc: "Reuben Bond" [email protected] Subject: Re: [meetups] Topics (#1) Should we do the roadmap/Q&A discussion...

Maybe this could work if the `IApplicationPartManager` was taken from the client's container instead of the silos?

Am I correctly assuming that you have 10K ClusterClients? Orleans clusters usually only have a small number of connections. You are supposed to create one ClusterClient per host and keep...

What is "ClientGrain"? If it's a part of Orleans, I'm not remembering it. Are you using a 3rd party SignalR integration package?

Thanks, @SebastianStehle @kishor-raskar could you help us to understand the nature of these SignalR connections? Are they essentially idle connections, or are they active? What communication patterns are being used...