
Results 3 issues of Retroker

O arquivo `dev/biblatex-abnt/bibtex/bib/biblatex-abnt/NBR6023-2018.bib` possui a seguinte entrada: ``` @misc{florida2000, keywords = {7.12.3}, author = {{Florida Museum of Natural History}}, title = {1931-2000 Brazil's confirmed unprovoked shark attacks}, location = {Gainesville},...

De acordo com a norma da **ABNT NBR 6023 2018**, no item **8.6.2** (p. 45): > O mês (se houver) deve anteceder o ano e ser indicado de forma abreviada,...


_Suppose I am trying to replace some objects by an ellipse._ `findAndReplaceGraphic_centered` returns an error when one of the selected objects have been renamed somehow. If we select two objects...