
Results 5 issues of Retkid

``` network TwoLayersNet: layers: fc1: Linear(300, 42) fc2: Linear(42, 300) forward x: x.fc1.relu.fc2 proc load*(ctx: Context[Tensor[float32]], inny : int): TwoLayersNet[float32] = result.fc1.weight = ctx.variable(read_npy[float32](&"model/hiddenweight{inny}.npy"), requires_grad = true) result.fc1.bias = ctx.variable(read_npy[float32](&"model/hiddenbias{inny}.npy"),...

As it stands, on arch linux, after building, I am way too in the weeds to understand how to get it to work and, trying to figure it out isn't...

goxel: /build/glfw/src/glfw-3.3.2/src/monitor.c:447: glfwGetVideoMode: Assertion `monitor != NULL' failed. Aborted Arch Linux Host. GLFW version: glfw-wayland-3.3.2-2 Kernel: 5.10.8-zen1-1-zen

To quote my program: `/home/retkid/.nimble/pkgs/schedules-0.2.0/schedules/scheduler.nim(269, 6) Warning: 'start' is not GC-safe as it calls 'startNimAsyncContinue' [GcUnsafe2] /home/retkid/.nimble/pkgs/schedules-0.2.0/schedules/scheduler.nim(276, 6) Warning: 'serve' is not GC-safe as it calls 'start' [GcUnsafe2]`