
Results 4 comments of Stas

We can use a very unreliable crutch for now: add a comment to the query string. For instance: ``` #QUERY_TYPE=${type}# subscription f( ... ``` And check in the split method:...

UPD: If I will add ``` "react": ["../node_modules/react/", "../node_modules/@types/react/"], "react/*": ["../node_modules/react/*", "../node_modules/@types/react/*"] ``` into `tsconfig.extends.json -> compilerOptions -> paths` it will work but ... in this case i have to...

@bebjakub Unfortunately no. I am not experienced Linux user. For me all attempts were like "shot in the dark". So I gave up :-( But still watching on this thread...

@bebjakub I upgraded my Ubuntu from 22.04 to 22.10 and now docker-osx works fine. Don't know what was the problem, but the main difference between them - 22.04 on Wayland...