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BrainVerse is an electronic laboratory notebook built as an open-source, cross-platform desktop application to help researchers manage, track and share information in a comprehensive format.
Can't assign github user to a task
Here is a group of fields in order at the top of my instrument. These fields include "SRS total raw score." They are followed by many new fields Towards the...
When we rename a session, it moves to the far left position on the screen. Here are the sessions in our experiment planner with the original names: There are two...
In Create an Experiment Plan, when we increase the size of the BrainVerse window, it would be great to increase the size of the sessions as well. It would be...
It would be really helpful to be able to see the experiment planner and instrument views at the same time through multiple open windows
We have a lot of instruments. Since they aren't in alphabetical order, it would be helpful to be able to search them!
Currently, we do not support deletion of instruments or experiment plans. Do we required or want to support deletion of these resources? If yes, how do we support it and...
If I close brainverse but don't quit, then reopen the app, I get this error
Is there any way to go back and edit information for a participant who we've started collecting data for a participant after the first time we close the data acquisition...