Renaud Rohlinger
Renaud Rohlinger
Hello! It is because[ context is lost through the reconciler]( So we have to either way forward it through [context bridge]( or via a state manager such as Zustand. If...
- Implement Phaser Manifest Loader for Webpack which provides an easy way to load assets : (+ it is based on this repo so it easy to implement) -...
Actually I add more feature/security to the thing, something like : ```jsx ///{value: [0,0,0], min: [-5], max: [Infinity,10]} if(min.length === 1 && isVec3) { const temp = new Array(3).fill(min[0]); min...
Hey! So I'm pretty sure it is necessary to update r3f to do so. I need to add callbacks before and after the render for r3f-perf to work by using...
@arpu Thanks! For the moment I recommend the tool that I based my work on I will work on a vanilla support this year.
Here is a demo by @CodyJasonBennett of r3f working with vanilla. Not the best solution at this moment but it works 😄
Thanks! next-pwa was not up to date with the latest version of nextjs but everything should be fine now: Please try again with a fresh install of react-three-next and...
We are not using next-offline anymore so this warning is not here anymore 👍
latest r3f fix this
Hello! Thank you very much for this amazing library @spite. I made a new version of a library using vite and typescript. I would be happy to PR it on...