Rémi Coulom

Results 7 comments of Rémi Coulom

I am not sure the exe takes JAVA_HOME into consideration. Do you have an old JDK anywhere on your machine?

I have not time to look into the details of this problem. My suggestion would be to run the jar directly instead of using Launch4j's wrapper.

The jar file is not distributed in the Windows installer. You'd have to compile gogui from source. Note that gogui-twogtp.exe works on my Windows 10 machine. I don't know what's...

Thanks for your contribution. I will take a look later.

I don't know sabaki, so I am not sure what you are referring to. In gogui, you can display colors on the board using analysis commands. This may be the...

I see. I don't know how to implement this easily in gogui.

I am closing this, as I will package the next version differently. If you still have a problem with the upcoming version 1.5.2, then please open another issue.