Giulio Fagioli

Results 8 issues of Giulio Fagioli

Hi, i have this issue: ``` Failed to compile. ./src/index.tsx TypeError: this.getOptions is not a function ``` craco-swc version: ^0.5.1 typescript version: ~4.0.8 react version: ^16.14.0 react-app-rewired ^2.1.8 Os: windows...


I'm updating some pages for the italian translation, but i have strange behaviour on translated pages. On homepage i get the error `index.js?cd39:97 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property...


Issue related to #9 Add auto detection of language using navigator.language, i create an object with key and value. Keys are the values can be returned by navigator.languages ( list...


At the moment, when we start `npm run build` webpack generate all the file, the problem is related to the name of js dist file, now is app.[chunk].js. This name...


List of Articles and Articles are seen incorrectly, it seems there are overlapping blocks to others, I leave below a screenshot descriptive. use firefox version 36.0.1 ![issue](

Hi, i have to test my java swing ui with assertj swing, on my mac i have no error but on latest and previous ubuntu version, i have this issue...

Hi, we don't have a demo for vue-highlighter, a good choice is provide a codesanbox instance. For this issue there aren't strict rules, the important thing is provide a good...

help wanted
good first issue

Hi, we need to migrate to rollup instead of bili. A good starting point: Instead of buble we want use babel ( latest version ) and serving all possible...

help wanted
good first issue