The main reasoning for per product confits was to use the max price option you had in the 3070 config in other confits to try to avoid scalpers. My other...
have you tried running it using sudo (command)
I get the same error using the same pi zero 2 w, w/ pi 0s legacy 32bit lite (no desktop), and dietpi v8 bookworm. running this: `cat /proc/device-tree/model | grep...
I do have an original pi1, pi1 model b, pi 2b, pi3b, pi4, pi5, and pi zero 2 w, let me know if you need me to test something on...
``` This has been tested and is not working on raspberry pi os lite 64bit on a pi zero 2 w. Using a 32bit os does appear to work. this...
It failed for me on my pi zero 2 w, using raspberry os lite 64bit, unless you need a 64 bit application, try raspberry pi os literally 32bit (the device...