
Results 5 comments of RelatApp

how difficult would it be for one expert to change this line ? Why give up all the work because nobody takes chargein changing this line . I would if...

Thank you for your answser. I'm on Ios14.Coming from android background the logic is clear for me but the details aren t . I don t know if on failure...

Excuse me for this question if it is stupid . I updated the dependency with pod to the latest available and i don t have access to iPhone12 s ?...

Thank you johnpope . For future unexperiment user like me, in the podfile , replace pod 'Device' by all the text given in the previous line . It is searching...

> I am using DeepAR sdk v2.4.1 now, and it shows blink before start video recording. I can't see it in Android, but it shows only in iOS now. Because...