> are all of you using the most recent version of beardlib (the version from github?) Yes, we all have most recent verision of beardlib.
Like i said, its easy for me to reproduce it, i just have to host lobby with friend who has beardlib on one of few maps (rats day 3, big...
Surely! Sadly i'm not currently home so I'll have to test it on Sunday afternoon.
Well, i can't replicate that crash, cause im currently facing another issue, my friend can't join me and neither can't I him.
Well even better, i found out that issue is somehow in Super BLT, when i remove it he can normally join me
> > Well, i can't replicate that crash, cause im currently facing another issue, my friend can't join me and neither can't I him. > > might be using some...
> And you're not also running BeardLib Editor by chance? No, I don't, like i said even with no modifications to base game, as long as i have BLT installed...